Forgiveness – Letting Go of your Mistakes
Faith to Sports Application:
Every athlete does not like making mistakes during a game to cause their team to lose a point. I don’t know about you, but as a competitor, I would get so mad when I would make a mistake during a game on something I knew I could do better on. It made me so mad that sometimes I would give my opponents emotional points, meaning, that depending on the type of error, it would take me a few plays before I could bounce back because I was holding on to my errors. You all know what I’m talking about…
Well, once I started to understand the grace of God by what Jesus Christ did for all of us on the cross, my mind was blown! You know that song “Amazing Grace”? Well, it finally made sense to me one day. A few of the lyrics go like this:
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
Well, I started to sing my own rendition of this song changing the word”wretch” to “wreck” because I realized that without understanding this grace, man, I was a wreck inside with everything but peace. How amazing is that because of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross, we can be forgiven of all of our mistakes (or sins as the Bible puts it). INCREDIBLE! And that means ALL of them!
So, by understanding and excepting this “amazing grace” by God through Jesus, I finally began to have peace the first time in my life. With that peace, I then started to apply that same forgiveness to my game. Guys, my game took off! Not only did I become a more consistent player for my teammates and more fun to play with, I was able to maintain a steady head even when I would make a mistake.
Let this sink in for a second: Not only does God forgives us, but let’s go of our mistakes quickly without holding on to our errors because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross! So who are we to hold on to our mistakes. Not to sound mean, but if God is God and we are not Him, who are we to hold on to our mistakes? When you begin to apply that same type of forgiveness to yourself and your teammates, WATCH OUT! Your game will improve better than you ever imagined! Now that’s pretty amazing.
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Kele’s dynamic personality and highly motivational attitude energizes players, coaches, and professionals to meet the challenges of the world around them, including leadership, team dynamics, confidence building, servant leadership, and the challenges of connecting sports & faith.